Following on from my
previous post, sometimes there are fair reasons to buy crap. Which is fine, as long as you're aware that it's crap. Even then, though, it can be crap in surprising ways…
After hand-soldering tiny 3.2 x 2.5mm crystals in a couple of recent projects (& having to desolder & rework TSSOP-sized opamps to fix a pinout error … grrr, my own fault), I decided I needed a hot air rework tool. Since I'm not planning on using it a lot - I happen to
like hand-soldering tiny components under a microscope* - I wasn't particularly interested in spending too much.
Enter the world of cheap and nasty hot air rework stations available on eBay. 57.50 Falling Pacific Pesos later, and I was waiting on AusPost to make me the proud new owner of a "HOTAIR GUN Desoldering Soldering REWORK SMD STATION 3 Nozzles RHOS Yihua 858D OZ".
(Alignment tool, random stuff, Fluke 19, and microwave analyser not included.
May cause death or injury in susceptible individuals or groups.) |
Now, before anyone runs out and buys one on my say so (as if!), go read the thread on EEVblog titled "
DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station". It's not just about the Atten branded ones; it's applicable to all of the cheap stations like Aoyue, Youyue, Saike, Xpower, WEP, Yihua, etc, etc. And not just minor issues - problems found include mains active wired to the metal barrel of the handpiece…
(Note: if you're looking for a teardown post, this isn't it - but I might do one later. Feel free to read on regardless!)